Member-only story
Why Ignorance And Arrogance Are Such Good Friends
And why it’s imperative we don’t let them get along
Arrogance and ignorance make for a lethal combination. Anyone suffering from this ailment will struggle to find the humility or wisdom to understand that, at most, they should pick one, at best, drop them both, and for the sake of everybody involved, never add one to the other.
Arrogance is as deaf as ignorance is brave, hence why they go hand in hand so tragically unaware. When we believe we know more than those around us, we are vulnerable to arrogance. In these instances, it helps to remember that the discordance is as likely — if not likelier — to be caused by the low standards of others as it may be by our alleged proficiency. Thus, when we stop listening to those close to us, we must recognise it is time for a change: either we need new company or we must become humble enough to reassess the quality of those who currently accompany us.
Similarly, when we are aware of how little we know about a topic, we must keep quiet and let others do the talking. Who knows? In time, we might reach a significant level of expertise to have something to say about the matter. Indeed, ignorance is the perfect phase to read and listen as much as possible and acquire knowledge. Once we know enough, we will have to devote some if not most…