We Tell Ourselves Stories Of Meaning Because The Alternative Is Terrifying

I find the idea of being part of this wonderful accident incredibly alluring

Marti Purull
3 min readJul 31, 2022
Image by DALL·E

The Universe Doesn’t Care

In the chaos of existence, we crave meaning. We like to hear that everything happens for a reason. The idea of being the result of a concatenation of accidents in which we had no say terrifies us. Whether through organised religion or popular culture, we invent an order that exists only in our heads — the universe couldn’t care less. I find this lack of order a beautiful canvas we get to play with, but I also understand the horror of the blank page.

Admiring Order

When we work as part of a group to create something we could never devise on our own, we naturally marvel at the power of combined creation. Nothing is more magical than admiring an architectural construction that one person could have never built alone. However, we shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that everything was determined to happen as it did. Indeed, I find it even more magical that we manage to accomplish such feats of order and communion given the chaos we are a part of. The reality is convergence is an extraordinary occurrence in the ocean of divergence from which we emerge. Chaos being at the heart of our existence…



Marti Purull

I’m a musician, but I think every day. So I write every day. Thoughts. Reflections. Life.