Reasons To Stop Following The News

You’d think I would’ve learned by now…

Marti Purull
3 min readJul 7, 2022
Photo by Roman Kraft


This morning I caught myself reading the news. I must have still been a teenager the last time I considered what the media chose to report was significant. Since then, I try to skim through the headlines for a couple of minutes a day and then delve into interesting topics: not newsworthy but interesting. For instance, I am rather partial to podcasts that cover specific issues, explaining political situations by shedding light on the history of the regions involved. I also like reading about science and technology. As you may suspect, I love listening to general reflections that are mostly immune to the passage of time.

Out Of The Window

This morning, my experience with the news reinforced my choice, the one I made all those years ago and whose execution I have refined over the past decade. After reading about five different stories, I felt the urge to throw my phone out of the window, buy a weapon of mass destruction on the dark web and set about as an improvised social vigilante. Bad jokes aside, I was indeed filled with this sensation of impending doom. What is even worse: I swear I saw the embers of my long extinguished nihilism threaten to glow a mild orange at the bottom of my soul once more. That’s when I threw my phone — not out of…



Marti Purull

I’m a musician, but I think every day. So I write every day. Thoughts. Reflections. Life.