Let’s Save The Latent Connections We All Love

Being more connected isn’t being better connected. There are important connections that we need to look after right now.

Marti Purull
3 min readJul 15, 2021

We are hyperconnected. The hyper side of things, naturally, refers to the quantity of connections, not their quality. Indeed, we are connected to more people than ever before, but we don’t really know how well connected we are to each of them.

It is easy to see that our brains haven’t evolved at a the same rate our technology has: we simply can’t cope with the countless conversations we could physically be holding at the same time as far as our messaging applications are concerned. Unable to accept our shortcomings, we fill the gap with more technology: mass updates, auto-responders, reaction buttons, pre-programmed bots, etc.

Honestly, I don’t think it is a bad thing to be able to connect at a superficial level with more people than ever before. On the contrary, I believe this can be a great way to develop future high-quality connections: the more information we have the more likely it is that we will get better information, and the more people we know, the more likely we’ll be to find the best people for us. Humans that would have never heard from us now get a glimpse into who we are, and so can we form a general…



Marti Purull

I’m a musician, but I think every day. So I write every day. Thoughts. Reflections. Life.