Member-only story
It Is Essential We Become Immune To Emotional Arsonists
If we don’t do it for the world, let’s do it for our own preservation
Everybody is entitled to their anger. It is safe to assume we all have collected some on our path to here and now. What we seem to find more difficult to remember is that everyone around us also does. We aren’t the only outraged ones around: everyone is angry to a certain degree like everyone is a tad sad. However, anger is such an invasive emotion that it tends to monopolise our senses. It clouds reasoning when it takes hold of our brain. Sometimes, we would love for it to go away or, better still, not to feel it in the first place. Negating it, though, is not realistic. We cannot expect anybody not to feel anger sooner or later. I believe it is far more effective to accept it as intrinsic to the human condition and move on, past it.
Anger Is Easy
Indeed, since we all have anger issues, we would do well to take the time to learn anger management. Unrestrained, it will inevitably control us, nudging us closer to personal tragedy with every small burst. Anger-driven individuals are unreasonable and thus impractical for society. We have likely witnessed a capable person get lost in their anger to a point of no return. Entire political movements are…