Member-only story
Egos Are Important –When Damaged, They Are Dangerous Too
Ego might prevent us from being bullied… but if out control, it might do some bullying of its own.
Having an ego is important. Ego is linked to personality, and there is no strong personality without an ego. However, too much of it can ruin even the best minds.
And too much of it isn’t very much of it either: it takes very little ego to be too much ego. It’s probably proportional to the size of the personality: the bigger the personality, the more ego you can manage; the smaller the personality… any amount of ego will overshadow it.
This is what we get with leaders that are leaders by chance or accident. They know the truth, they know they’re not up for the challenge, and so they compensate for their lack of aptitude with attitude… or ego.
You will hear them brag, and although they look like arses, they really are only putting their ego out for you to stroke it.
However, it is often the case that their exposed ego isn’t stroked but smacked, and thus we get the damaged ego. And the damaged ego is dangerous.
It is dangerous because its compensating ratchet spins wildly and sinks quickly, taking with it as much and as many as it can.
When you see a swelling swollen ego… run.