An Open Declaration Of Love For Change From An Optimist

Change isn’t good or bad per se — yet I’ve never been able to resist its allure. I must be an optimist. And you?

Marti Purull
2 min readJul 3, 2021
Photo by Drew Graham

I’ve always loved change.

I choose the word ‘love’ purposely too. I don’t like change: I love change. Some changes I like, some changes I don’t like; liking is after the fact, after judgement. No, I love the very concept of change, and I love it with a passion.

Change is unknown and known at the same time; we don’t know what things will be like after change takes place (even if we plan it, even if we predict it, there’s always an element of uncertainty), but we know they won’t be the same.

Even writing that last sentence gave me goosebumps, and I wasn’t thinking of any change in particular.

This isn’t something new. I’ve always had this irrational attraction towards change. I remember the beginning of a new year in school and how I looked forward to new teachers and new classmates. The same goes for new hires in any of the jobs I’ve had. Even whenever I start reading a new book, there’s an element of excitement just because it’s new.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about why this may be. I know many people who feel exactly the opposite about…



Marti Purull

I’m a musician, but I think every day. So I write every day. Thoughts. Reflections. Life.